The Music in Our Homeschool Podcast with Gena Mayo easy music education tips, strategies, and curriculum resources for homeschooling parents

24: What Exactly is Music Appreciation and Why Take the Time to Include it in Your Homeschool?

July 29, 2024 Gena Mayo Episode 24

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In today's episode, let's look at the essential role of music appreciation in a well-rounded homeschool curriculum. As homeschool parents, we often juggle multiple subjects and wonder if we can fit in what some might deem extras, like music appreciation. But is music appreciation really just an extra? Join us as we explore what music appreciation truly means beyond mere listening and why it is a valuable component of your child's education.

Music appreciation involves a multifaceted exploration of music as an art form, including understanding music's impact on culture, exploring its historical context, learning about composers and musical artists, analyzing genres and styles, developing listening skills, and connecting music to other subjects. We will discuss how these elements help students recognize music's profound effect on mood, culture, and personal expression, and how it encourages critical thinking about music's influence on society and individual experiences.

Discover the benefits of music appreciation, such as enhancing cognitive skills, improving emotional intelligence, providing historical and cultural context, encouraging creativity, and offering stress relief. Research shows that music education can improve memory, attention, and critical thinking skills, while also helping children develop empathy and emotional awareness.

We will also share practical ways to effortlessly incorporate music appreciation into your homeschool routine. Learn how to use structured curricula, like the Music Lesson Calendar of the Month, create music journals, make playlists, watch music videos, and practice active listening. Additionally, find out how to integrate music with other subjects, go on music-related field trips, and utilize apps and games.

Tune in to understand why music appreciation is not just an extra, but a vital component of your child's education. Make music a cherished and regular part of your homeschool journey, and see the profound impact it can have on your child's overall development.

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What Exactly is Music Appreciation and Why Take the Time to Include it in Your Homeschool?

[00:00:00] As homeschool parents, we often find ourselves juggling multiple subjects and wondering if we can fit in what might be deemed to some people as extras, like music appreciation. But is music appreciation really just an extra? Or is it a valuable component of a well rounded education? In this post, podcast and video today. We'll explore what music appreciation is, its benefits, and practical ways to incorporate it into your homeschool curriculum easily and effectively. 

What is music appreciation? Music appreciation is the study of music that goes beyond mere listening and doesn't include applied music, which is actually learning to play an instrument or to sing.

Music appreciation involves a multifaceted exploration of music as an art form, encompassing various elements such as [00:01:00] understanding music's impact on culture, exploring music's historical context, learning about composers and musical artists, analyzing musical genres and styles, developing listening skills, and learning to connect music to other subjects.

Let's talk briefly about each one of those. Understanding Music's Impact. Music appreciation helps students recognize the profound effect music can have on mood, culture, and personal expression. It encourages them to think critically about how music influences society and individual experiences.

Exploring historical context. Music is deeply intertwined with history. By studying different musical eras, students gain insights into cultural and historical events that shaped the music of that time. This connection enriches their understanding of both music and history. 

Learning about [00:02:00] composers and artists. Students learn about the lives of composers and musicians, which adds a personal dimension to the music they study. Understanding motivations and challenges faced by the artists can foster a deeper appreciation for their work. 

Analyzing musical genres. Music appreciation involves exploring a wide range of genres from classical to jazz, to rock and hip hop, to big band and opera. This exposure helps students understand the diversity of musical expression and unique characteristics of each genre.

Developing listening skills. Active listening is a key component of music appreciation. Students learn to identify instruments, rhythms, and melodies, as well as to articulate their emotional responses to different pieces of music. 

Connecting music to other subjects. Music can be [00:03:00] integrated into various subjects, such as literature, art, science, geography, and as we've already mentioned, history. This interdisciplinary approach enhances learning and makes connections between different areas of study.

In essence, music appreciation is about diving deep into the why of music. Why did composers write certain pieces? What emotions or experiences influence their work? How has music evolved over time? By exploring these questions, students develop a richer understanding of music and its significance in our lives.

Why should you include music appreciation in your homeschool? I have five different reasons, and the first one is that it enhances cognitive skills. Research has shown that music education can enhance cognitive skills, including memory, attention, and critical thinking. 

Engaging with music helps [00:04:00] sharpen hearing and observational skills, which carry over into other areas of learning. For instance, recognizing patterns in music can help improve mathematical reasoning. 

Number two, it improves emotional intelligence. Music is a powerful medium for expressing and understanding emotions. Analyzing music helps children develop empathy and emotional awareness, allowing them to articulate their feelings more effectively. This emotional intelligence can enhance their interpersonal skills and overall well being. 

Number three, it provides historical and cultural context. Music offers a unique lens through which to explore history and culture. By studying music from different eras and regions, students gain insights into the values, beliefs, and experiences of various societies. This understanding fosters a more comprehensive worldview. 

Four, it encourages creativity. [00:05:00] Exposure to various musical styles can inspire creativity in other areas of learning. Music appreciation encourages students to think outside the box and explore their own creative potential, whether through writing, fine arts, or performance.

And number five, it offers stress relief. Music has a calming effect and can serve as a stress relief tool for both children and parents. Incorporating music into your daily routine can create a more relaxed and enjoyable learning environment. 

Now here are some practical ways that you can incorporate music appreciation into your homeschool.

One is to use a structured curriculum. Consider using a structured music appreciation curriculum like we provide at Music in Our Homeschool. The easiest and quickest way to implement music appreciation into your already very busy homeschool is to use the Music Lesson Calendar of the [00:06:00] Month, which is a part of the Music in Our Homeschool Plus Membership.

It includes a ready-to-use 15-minute or less online lesson every day, that includes listening activities and other resources that make teaching music appreciation, click-and-go as well as enjoyable. And if that "every day" kind of caught your ear, my goal is for you to use it at least once a week. If that's all you can do, then getting one 15-minute music lesson in once a week is better than nothing.

Number two is to create a music journal. Encourage your students to keep a music journal where they can write down musical terms that they learn, composers that they listen to, pieces they've enjoyed, along with sketches and drawings. This activity reinforces vocabulary and helps them remember key concepts. Plus, it's a great keepsake. 

Number three is to make playlists. Create playlists, or find some ready-made ones, [00:07:00] of classical pieces or music from different eras to play during your mealtimes, study sessions, or quiet reading time. This casual exposure helps foster a love for music without requiring dedicated music education time.

Number four is to watch music videos. Show your children videos of orchestras, ensembles, and other musical performances. Platforms like YouTube have a wealth of content, including live performances and educational documentaries about music history or music theory. These are included in almost every lesson of the Music Lesson Calendar of the Month.

So again, another easy way to do this. Number five is to create a musical timeline. Visualize the progression of music history with a musical timeline project. This can be a fun and interactive way for students to see how different genres and composers relate to historical events. 

Number six is to [00:08:00] practice active listening. Play a piece of music and have your children describe what they hear, the emotions, the instruments. Tempo changes. This practice develops their listening skills and encourages them to articulate their thoughts. 

Number seven is to integrate music with other subjects, especially if you're studying history, pull out one of my music history courses, and do the music alongside with it. Another great course is American Music for Elementary because it goes in chronological order too. 

Number eight is to go on music related field trips. Attend local orchestra performances, university concerts, or community music events. Experiencing music live can be thrilling and memorable for students, deepening their appreciation for the art form.

Number nine is to use apps and games. Utilize websites and apps that offer [00:09:00] music lessons, games, and activities. Websites like classicsforkids. com provide engaging content, including podcasts about composers for kids. And this can definitely enhance your music appreciation curriculum. 

And number five is to incorporate music into your daily routine. When you're driving in the car, when you're doing your cleanup, bath time for the little ones, play music.

Now I hope that that really helps you get some ideas of how you can incorporate music appreciation into your homeschool, and why you would want to. Definitely take a look at the Music Lesson Calendar of the Month. See if it's something that would help you in your homeschool. It's specifically made to make it so you so easy for you to include music appreciation. And that's all I have for today until next time keep the music [00:10:00] alive.

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